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Timothy J. Alexander


Maag, S., Alexander, T.J., Kase, R., Hoffmann, S. 2018. Indicators for measuring the contributions of individual Knowledge Brokers. Environmental Science & Policy 89: 1-9. [abstract]

Gaudard, A., Weber, C., Alexander, T.J., Hunziker, S., Schmid, M. 2018. Impacts of using lakes and rivers for extraction and disposal of heat. WIREs Water e1295. [abstract]

Fowles, A.E., Stuart-Smith, R.D., Hill, N.A., Thomson, R.J., Strain, E.M.A., Alexander, T.J., Kirkpatrick, J., Edgar, G.J. 2018. Interactive responses of primary producers and grazers to pollution on temperate rocky reefs. Environmental Pollution 237: 388-395. [abstract]

Edgar, G.J., Alexander, T.J., Lefcheck, J.S., Bates, A.E., Kininmonth, S.J., Thomson, R.J., Duffy, E., Costello, M.J., Stuart-Smith, R.D. 2017. Abundance and local-scale processes contribute to multi-phyla gradients in global marine diversity. Science Advances 3: e1700419. [abstract]

Schwarz, A-M., Cohen, P.J., Boso, D., Ramofafia, C., Alexander, T.J., Bennett, G., Andrew, N. 2017. Critical reflections from fostering adaptive community-based, co-management in Solomon Islands’ small-scale fisheries. SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin 38: 14-25. [abstract]

Zupo, V., Alexander, T.J., Edgar, G.J. 2017. Relating trophic resources to community structure: a predictive index of food availability. Royal Society Open Science 4: 160515. [abstract]

Alexander, T.J., Vonlanthen, P., Seehausen, O. 2016. Does eutrophication-driven evolution change aquatic ecosystems? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 372: 20160041. [abstract]

Alexander, T.J., Vonlanthen, P., Périat, G., Degiorgi, F., Raymond, J.C., Seehausen, O. 2015. Estimating whole-lake catch per unit effort. Fisheries Research 172: 287-302. [abstract]

Alexander, T.J., Vonlanthen, P., Périat, G., Degiorgi, F., Raymond, J.C., Seehausen, O. 2015. Evaluating gillnetting protocols to characterize lacustrine fish communities. Fisheries Research 161: 320-329. [abstract]

Soler, G.A., Edgar, G.J., Thomson, R.J., Kininmonth, S., Campbell, S.J., Dawson, T.P., Barrett, N.S., Bernard, A.T.F., Galván, D.E., Willis, T.J., Alexander, T.J., Stuart-Smith, R.D. 2015. Reef fishes at all trophic levels respond positively to effective marine protected areas. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0140270. [abstract]

Alexander, T.J., Johnson, C.R., Haddon, M., Barrett, N.S., Edgar, G.J. 2014. Long-term trends in invertebrate-habitat relationships under protected and fished conditions. Marine Biology 161(8): 1799-1808. [abstract]

Cohen, P., Tapala, S., Rikio, A., Kukiti, E., Sori, F., Hilly, Z., Alexander, T.J., Foale, S. 2014.  Developing a common understanding of taxonomy for fisheries management in north Vella Lavella, Solomon Islands. SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge information bulletin 33: 3-12. [abstract]

Alexander, T.J. 2013. Cryptic invertebrates on subtidal rocky reefs vary with microhabitat structure and protection from fishing. Marine Ecology Progress Series 481: 93–104 [abstract]

Alexander, T.J., Gladstone, W. 2013. Assessing the effectiveness of a long-standing rocky intertidal protected area and its contribution to the regional conservation of species, habitats and assemblages. Aquatic conservation: marine and freshwater ecosystems 23: 111–123. [abstract]

Cohen, P.J., Alexander, T.J. 2013. Catch Rates, composition and fish size from reefs managed with periodically-harvested closures PLoS ONE 8(9): e73383. [abstract]

Alexander, T.J., Barrett, N.S., Haddon, M., Johnson, C.R., Edgar, G.J. 2009. Responses of mobile macroinvertebrates to reef structure and fishing in a temperate marine protected area. Marine Ecology Progress Series 389: 31-44. [abstract]

Gladstone, W., Alexander, T.J. 2005. A test of the higher-taxon approach in the identification of candidate sites for marine reserves. Biodiversity and Conservation 14: 3151-3168. [abstract]


Alexander, T.J., Vonlanthen, P., Périat, G., Selz, O.M., Feulner, P.G.D., Seehausen, O. 2017. Artenvielfalt und Zusammensetzung der Fischgemeinschaft im Zürichsee [Diversity and composition of the fish community in Lake Zurich]. Eawag Publications. [report]

Alexander, T.J., Vonlanthen, P., Périat, G., Seehausen, O. 2017. Artenvielfalt und Zusammensetzung der Fischgemeinschaft im Vierwaldstättersee [Diversity and composition of the fish community in Lake Lucerne]. Eawag Publications. [report]

Alexander, TJ., Vonlanthen, P., Périat, G., Raymond, JC., Degiorgi, F., Seehausen, O. 2016. Artenvielfalt und Zusammensetzung der Fischpopulation im Bodensee [Diversity and composition of the fish population in Lake Constance]. Eawag Publications. [report]

Weber, C., Schneider, M., Junker, J., Kopecki, I., Alexander, T.J. 2015. Modelling fish habitat dynamics in hydropeaking rivers considering different morphology and habitat requirements: current state, needs for improvement, and guidelines for application. Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE).

Vonlanthen, P., Périat, G., Guillard, J., Colon, M., Alexander, T.J., Seehausen, O. 2015. Artenvielfalt und Zusammensetzung der Fischpopulation im Zugersee [Diversity and composition of the fish population in Lake Zug]. Eawag Publications.[report]

Vonlanthen, P., Périat, G., Doenz, C., Hellmann, J., Alexander, T.J., Seehausen, O. 2015. Artenvielfalt und Zusammensetzung der Fischpopulation im Thunersee [Diversity and composition of the fish population in Lake Thun]. Eawag Publications.[report]

Vonlanthen, P., Périat, G., [in collaboration with Seehausen, O., Alexander, T.J., Dönz, C., Rieder, J.] 2014 Artenvielfalt und Zusammensetzung der Fischpopulation im Walensee [Diversity and composition of the fish population in Lake Walen]. Eawag Publications. [report]

Vonlanthen, P., Périat, G., Seehausen, O., Alexander, T.J., Guillard, J., Colon, M. 2014. Artenvielfalt und Zusammensetzung der Fischpopulation im Hallwilersee [Diversity and composition of the fish population in Lake Hallwil]. Eawag Publications. [report]

Vonlanthen, P., Périat, G., Seehausen, O., Alexander, T.J., Guillard, J., Colon, M. 2014. Untersuchung der Fischpopulation im Lago di Poschiavo und im Silsersee [Investigating the fish communities of Lakes Poschiavo and Sils]. Eawag Publications. [report]

WorldFish 2013. Community-based marine resource management in Solomon Islands: A facilitators guide. CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems, Manual: AAS-2013-17. [report]

Alexander, T.J., Schwarz, A-M. 2011. Designing an institutional support strategy for community-based resource management. Coral Triangle Support Program Workshop Report, Solomon Islands.

Alexander, T.J., Manele, B., Schwarz, A-M, Topo, S., Liliqeto, W. 2011. Principles for best practice of community-based resource management in Solomon Islands. Coral Triangle Support Program, Solomon Islands. [report]

Schwarz, A.M., Alexander, T.J. 2011. Improving resilience and adaptive capacity of fisheries-dependent communities in Solomon Islands. ACIAR Final Report. Project FIS/2007/116. [report]

Alexander, T.J., Boso, D., Hilly, Z., Sibiti, S. 2010. Trialing a rapid-implementation approach to community-based marine resource management in Kariki, Shortland Islands, Solomon Islands. WorldFish Centre internal report.


Alexander, T.J., Schwarz, A.M. 2011 Using catch per unit effort for community-based adaptive management: a manual for monitoring teams in Solomon Islands communities undertaking management of their marine resources.

Alexander, T.J., Schwarz, A.M. 2011 Using catch per unit effort for community-based adaptive management: a manual for trainers in CPUE methods for communities undertaking management in Solomon Islands.

Hilly, Z., Alexander, T.J. 2011. Fish handbook with local language names for reference in community-based marine resource management on Vella La Vella, Western Province Solomon Islands.


Alexander, T.J. 2010. Responses of temperate mobile macroinvertebrates to reef habitat structure and protection from fishing. PhD thesis (Zoology / Quantitative Marine Science). University of Tasmania and CSIRO, Australia. [thesis]

Alexander, T.J. 2002. Assessing the effectiveness of a long-standing rocky intertidal protected area and its contribution to the regional conservation of species, habitats and assemblages. B.Sc Hons. Thesis (Sustainable Resource Management). University of Newcastle, Australia.


Gerber, S. 2018. Co-occurrence patterns of fish in pre-alpine lakes in the light of habitat association and species interactions. B.Sc thesis. University of Bern, Switzerland.[thesis]

Hefti, H. 2017. Natural and anthropogenic factors influencing fishes in the littoral zone of alpine and pre-alpine lakes. M.Sc thesis. University of Bern, Switzerland. [thesis]


Alexander, T.J., Vonlanthen, P., Périat, G., Seehausen, O.  2017. Projet Lac: Systematische Erhebung der Fischgesellschaften der voralpinen Seen [Systematic survey of the fish communities of pre-alpine lakes]. Verband Schweizer Abwasser- und Gewässerschutzfachleute: Fachfenster und 73. Mitgliederversammlung [Association of managers of wastewater and aquatic ecosystems: window into research and AGM]. Solothurn, Switzerland.

Alexander, T.J., Vonlanthen, P., Périat, G., Seehausen, O.  2016. Projet Lac: Den Fischen im Bodensee auf der Spur [On the trail of the fish of Lake Constance ]. Thurgauische Naturforschende Gesellschaft [Naturalist Association of Canton Thurgau]. Frauenfeld, Switzerland.

Alexander, T.J., Vonlanthen, P., Périat, G., Seehausen, O.  2016. Projet Lac: Artenvielfalt und Zusammensetzung der Fischpopulation im Bodensee [Species diversity and composition of the fish community in Lake Constance ]. Internationale Bevollmächtigtenkonferenz für die Bodenseefischerei Tagung[Annual meeting of the international association of fishing authorities in Lake Constance]. Bregenz, Austria.

Alexander, T.J., Seehausen, O.  2016. Fish communities of large peri-alpine lakes: relationships with lake morphometry, past and present trophic state. Eawag seminar series. Lucerne, Switzerland.

Alexander, T.J., Vonlanthen, P., Périat, G., Degiorgi, F., Raymond, J.C., Seehausen, O.  2015. Projet Lac: Systematische Erhebung der Fischgesellschaften in grossen mitteleuropäischen Seen [Systematic survey of the fish communities of central European Lakes]. Cercl’eau Tagung 2015 [Annual meeting of the association of cantonal experts on aquatic ecosystem management]. Murten, Switzerland.

Alexander, T.J., Vonlanthen, P., Périat, G., Degiorgi, F., Raymond, J.C., Seehausen, O. 2015. Lake trophic state and morphometry influence whole lake fish communities. Oral presentation. Plant and Animal Conservation (PACE15). Zurich, Switzerland.

Alexander, T.J. 2013. Application of resilience-thinking to co-management of small-scale fisheries in Solomon Islands. Eawag Aquatic Ecology and Macroevolution seminar series. Lucerne, Switzerland.

Alexander, T.J., Edgar, G.E., Barrett, N.S., Haddon, M. 2009. Testing the spatial generality of invertebrate – habitat relationships in temperate Australia. Oral presentation. International Temperate Reef Symposium, Adelaide, Australia.

Alexander, T.J., Edgar, G.E., Barrett, N.S., Johnson, C.R., Haddon, M., Babcock, R.C. 2008. Responses of mobile macroinvertebrates to reef habitat structure and MPAs in temperate waters. Oral presentation. Conference of the Australian Marine Science Academy and New Zealand Marine Science Society, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Alexander, T.J., Edgar, G.E., Barrett, N.S. 2006. Responses of mobile invertebrates to reef habitat structure and fishing in temperate marine protected areas. Poster presentation. Conference of the Australian Society of Fish Biology, Hobart, Australia.

Alexander, T.J., Gladstone, W. 2001. A test of the representativeness and effectiveness of the Bouddi National Park Marine Extension for species inhabiting intertidal rocky reefs. Poster presentation. Coastal Management Conference, Newcastle, Australia.


Klausur des International Gewässerschutzkommission für den Bodensee Fachbereichs See zum Ökosystem und der Resilienz des Bodensees [Meeting of the international water protection commission for Lake Constance: towards a resilient lake ecosystem]. February 2016. Bregenz, Austria. [15 min presentation in German on results of Projet Lac, loss of whitefish diversity associated with eutrophication, evolutionary adaptations of stickleback within its invasive range].

Fischbestände und Nährstoffsituation am Bodensee: Workshop [Fish stocks and nutrient state of Lake Constance]. Projet Lac: Fischbestände und Nährstoffsituation am Bodensee. August 2015. St Gallen, Switzerland. [30 min presentation in German on results of Projet Lac and factors influencing fish stocks in Lake Constance].

Forecasting the outcome of hydropeaking mitigation measures. November 2011. Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology. Lucerne, Switzerland.

Conservation Biology in the 21st Century. September 2013. University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland.

Global human impacts on inshore ecosystems. November 2012. Reef Life Survey and Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies. Maria Island, Tasmania, Australia.

Community-based resource management facilitators’ workshop. Honiara, Solomon Islands. August 2011. Organized, co-presented and facilitated four day workshop to members of national government ministries, provincial officers and non-government organizations on facilitating the implementation of community-based resource management in Solomon Islands. Honiara, Solomon Islands [in Solomon Islands Pijin].

Gender analysis and mainstreaming in fisheries. May 2011. Solomon Islands Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources / WorldFish Centre. Honiara, Solomon Islands.

Basic needs for effective management of coastal fisheries and resources for Pacific Island Countries and Territories. April 2011. Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Nadi, Fiji. [Shared 10 min presentation in English on the status of marine resource management and monitoring in Solomon Islands].

Coral Triangle Support Program workshop: designing an institutional support strategy for community-based resource management. April 2011. Solomon Islands Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources. Honiara, Solomon Islands. [15 min presentation in Solomon Islands Pijin on a trial of a rapid implementation approach to community-based resource management].

WorldFish annual internal workshop. December 2010. WorldFish Centre. Nusa Tupe, Solomon Islands. [15 min presentation in Solomon Islands Pijin on community-based marine resource management].

Nationally Relevant Environmental Monitoring: Existing Approaches and Future Opportunities. October 2009. Canberra, Australia. Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities (CERF) program, CSIRO. [media coverage]


Ecosystem state of Lake Zurich: Der Seedamm teilt den Zürichsee in zwei Welten, Dem Zürichsee geht im Sommer die Luft aus, Unterhalb von 80 Meter Tiefe ist der Zürichsee so gut wie tot, Zürichsee Zeitung [The causeway divides Lake Zurich into two worlds, The air goes out of Lake Zurich in summer, Under 80 meters Lake Zurich is as good as dead, Lake Zurich Newspaper], 2.5.2018 [link]

ROV expedition to investigate profundal habitats in Lake Thun: Stimme für die Fische, Netz Natur SRF [Voice / vote for the fish, Nature Network, Swiss National Television], 5.4.2018 [link]

Ecosystem state of Lake Murten / Morat: Des biologistes se battent contre la pollution dans le lac de Morat, Couleurs d'été SRF [Biologists fight against pollution in Lake Morat / Murten, Colours of summer, Swiss National Television], 07.07.2016 [link]